I hope that you enjoy browsing though this website which aims to give you information about Ballykeel School, the staff and the great work that goes on, as well as keeping you updated with recent events and activities.
There is much to be proud of in Ballykeel School - the well-ordered yet happy and relaxed atmosphere, the excellent behaviour of our children, the attainments of our children, the commitment to the continual improvement and welfare of our children from the dedicated teaching and non-teaching staff, the modern purpose built building, the fantastic grounds and the wide range of experiences on offer to our children through curricular, extra-curricular and extended schools activities.
Of paramount importance is that our children achieve their full potential regardless of ability, and that they leave in P.7 having enjoyed their time in the school. This website will hopefully give you a window into life in Ballykeel School.
You can also gain further information from our school prospectus, and the school’s most recent inspection report.
Mrs S Sheeran
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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit, 22 Crebilly Road Ballymena BT42 4DN 028 2565 3902