Access Keys:

Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


February 2020 April 2020
Monday, 2nd March 2020
Choir to Ballymena Music Festival
Tuesday, 3rd March 2020
Choir to Ballymena Music Festival
P1KM to St Brigid's PS (P1KH hosting St Brigid's)
Thursday, 5th March 2020
RSPB visit to P7SG
School Nurse to see P1s
Friday, 6th March 2020
School nurse to see P1s
Tuesday, 10th March 2020
School Nurse to see P1s
Both P7 classes hosting St Brigid's for Travelling Past
P5BE to St Brigid's (P5MA hosting St Brigid's)
Wednesday, 11th March 2020
P7SG trip to Stormont
P2JT to St Brigid's - St Patrick's Day Celebrations (P2AM hosting St Brigid's - St Patrick's Day Celebrations)
School Nurse to see P1s
Thursday, 12th March 2020
School Nurse to see P1s
Football Tournament (Antrim Forum)
Friday, 13th March 2020
School Nurse to see P1s
Joint School Council visit to Stormont
Monday, 16th March 2020
P7s residential trip to Woodhall
Tuesday, 17th March 2020
St Patrick's Day school closing at 12.30pm for all primary school children and 12noon for nursery children. (The school canteen has been instructed by the EA not to provide school meals on this day.)
Tuesday, 24th March 2020
Both P5 classes hosting St Brigid's (Art Workshop)
P6SM to St Brigid's (P6JF hosting St Brigid's)
Friday, 27th March 2020
Netball Tournament (Ballymena Leisure Centre)
Fire service visit to nursery
Monday, 30th March 2020
Spring Concert with St Brigid's (7.00pm at Ballykeel PS - more details to follow)
Coding Week (more details to follow)
MILK MONEY MONDAY (Last milk order of the school year to cover from 23.04 - 29.06.2020 - £9.24)
Tuesday, 31st March 2020
P7JH to St Brigid's (P7SG hosting St Brigid's)