Mrs Young Additional Support
November- December 2024
Primary 4 literacy
The Final Countdown to Christmas!
We are now on the countdown to Christmas! In this half- term the children will be developing their comprehension skills and looking for key words in the question. Through our grammar lessons, the children will be developing their knowledge of verbs and making nouns plural eg box-boxes ; church -churches. They will learn some 'plural rules' for adding e/es. They will also be identifying examples of homophones eg hair/hare; cell/sell. Creative writing will include recount writing and writing a list of instructions.
Keep working hard at AR - all of the children are working towards their next 'star target' on the display board in the class. Please encourage your child to read often at home too.
We are focusing on good handwriting and your support at home would be greatly appreciated - please encourage correct letter formation and good sizing of letters.
Primary 5
Please keep up the hard work with the reading and spellings - the extra support which your child receives at home does not go unnoticed!
This half term we will be learning more about verbs and forming verbs in the past , present and future tenses. We will also be learning how to use adverbs appropriately in our grammar lessons.
In comprehension, we will continue to be looking at the questions for key details and using the passage to highlight key information.
Reading should be listened to every night and please encourage your child to read their AR book - the children are all very excited about moving around the star board.
Thank you for your continued support with written homework, spellings and reading-it is very much appreciated.
Please refer to the main P4 and P5 class pages for more information relating to your child.
Mrs Young
Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit, 22 Crebilly Road Ballymena BT42 4DN 028 2565 3902