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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

Mrs Holmes Additional Support

 April – June 2024

Welcome back, I hope you had a lovely Easter. It’s hard to believe we are in the final term of P6! This is a short overview of what we will be learning over the next few months.
Within literacy we will continue to improve our comprehension skills through the use of Reciprocal reading, comprehensions and reading activities. This will help us to identify the main idea in text, make predictions, summarise and learn to separate fact from opinion. Reading every day during Accelerated Reader time and at home is so important so please do encourage this. In grammar this term we will focus on speech marks, prefixes, suffixes, similes and metaphors. Within creative writing we will have the opportunity to try to write in different styles while also applying our knowledge of grammar to this writing. Spellings will continue and it is good to practise these every night.
Within shape and space we will be learning about perimeter, area and also about the cubic volume of 3D shapes. We will also be learning about angles within shapes and learning how to measure these. Within measure we will continue to learn about different units of measurement and how to convert these ie grams to kilograms. Time will also feature as we learn about 12 and 24 hour times while using analogue and digital clocks. It would be useful if you could give your child opportunities to tell the time at home by reading different clocks. Tables still continue to be important so it is good to keep practising these; online activities (Education City, Hit the Button, etc) can really help with this.

Our topic this term is ‘Raiders of the Lost Tomb’ which is really interesting as we learn lots of things about Egypt and the Ancient Egyptians.
As you can see we will be really busy but hopefully the weather will improve this term and we can enjoy more lessons outside.

Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Holmes


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