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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

Mrs Holmes Additional Support

January - February 2025

Happy New Year and welcome back to school, we have lots to look forward to this term!

Our Shared Education with St Brigid's starts this term and we will be taking part in lots of Take 5 activities with them. 

We will also be starting our new World Around Us topic, The Irish Famine, and this will be incorporated through our literacy work as well.

Within Literacy we begin by thinking of our goals for this year and use these to focus on 'Just One Word'. This word will form the basis for some creative writing and artwork while also helping us to achieve some of our goals. We will also have the opportunity to write a crime report based on a 'crime' that will take place within school, this is always great fun! Throughout this work we will continue to reinforce spellings, grammar and punctuation. 

In Numeracy we will continue to revise fractions, decimals and percentages, ratio, angles and data handling. We will also be introducing algebra later in the term. So much of this numeracy is dependent on good foundations in maths facts and times tables so it is important to keep practicing these at home.

Homework is very important and it does help the pupils so much so please encourage your child to complete their spellings, tables and reading each night.

Reading is especially important and although your child is now in P7 it is still very beneficial if you listen to their reading and talk about their books. Asking questions about their books will enhance their comprehension and support our work in class.

Activities, games and songs will also be added to Education City on a regular basis so please encourage your child to use these. 

Please continue to check the main P7 page and class SeeSaw regularly for updates and photos of your child. 

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Mrs Holmes

