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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

Year 6

Welcome to the P6 class page!

Welcome back!! We know the start of the year can be nerve-wracking, particularly given the current circumstances, but rest assured that we are excited about getting to know you all and we are here to help you in whatever way we can. We hope everyone enjoys their year and learns plenty along the way.

This page will give you an idea of what we’ll be getting up to in P6. Visit the website every half term for information on what we will be learning about.

There are two P6 classes in the 2023/2024 year. The P6 teachers are Mrs Thompson and Mrs Ritchie (teaching P6JDT) and Mrs Esler (teaching P6BE).

Our classroom assistants are Mrs Wilson, Miss Parker, Miss Todd and Mrs Blaney.



What should your child bring with them on the first day of school? 

  • Pencils
  • Rubber
  • Sharpener
  • 30cm ruler
  • Pritt stick
  • Biro pens for marking (blue, black, red or green) - no gel pens please
  • A 12 pack of colouring pencils
  • Healthy break and a packed lunch
  • PE kit consisting of a tee-shirt, shorts, pair of trainers and jogging bottoms/leggings - this remains in school.



Homework is an important part of your child's development and helps to reinforce the learning that has taken place during the school day.  

On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday nights the children will have:

  • Reading
  • Spellings
  • Tables or mental maths related to the current topic

Written Homeworks will be given on Monday and Wednesday nights.  These will usually be Literacy (Monday) and Maths (Wednesday).

On a Tuesday night we will set Online Learning, either on Education City or using a suggested website activity.

There is no written or online homework on a Thursday night so that pupils can revise their spellings and tables/mental maths for the weekly Friday test.

Help with Homework

Helping your child with their homework will help motivate and encourage them to continue to work at their best.  Here are a number of ways in which you can help your child with their homework:

  • Listen to them read / ask them some questions about their reading book
  • Ask them their spellings
  • Go through their maths facts/tables
  • Ask them some questions about what they learned today
  • Check that their homework is completed and signed.

Please sign your child’s spelling booklet, homework diary and written homework book.

If you feel your child has found their homework a little tricky or requires a little extra help from the class teacher, please put a note in the homework diary for us to check the next day.

Whilst these are simple things, they will make all the difference to your child’s learning.


Please remember you can contact the teachers  using the Seesaw app. We will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. 

We look forward to getting to know you and your child better over the year. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any worries, questions or concerns. 

Mrs Thompson, Mrs Esler and Mrs Ritchie


What's happening in Term 3?

World Around Us

This term’s World Around Us theme is ‘Raiders of the Lost Tomb’, where we will be learning about all things Egyptian. We will be finding out where Egypt is, and will be travelling back in time to explore the pyramids, discover the importance of the River Nile to the Egyptian people, and investigate some of the (rather grisly!) customs from this fascinating place. We will be using our investigation skills to carry out research. We will be finding out all about hieroglyphics, discovering what the symbols mean and creating our very own personalised hieroglyphic art! We even home to make some animations on the iPads showing the building of pyramids.


In English, we will continue to learn comprehension skills through Reciprocal Reading and Accelerated Reader as well as through traditional forms. In doing so, we will improve and develop knowledge in how to make conclusions, identify the main idea in text, separate fact from opinion and determine cause and effect. We will also continue to learn about grammar and punctuation, with a focus on speech marks, prefixes, suffixes, similes and metaphors, synonyms and antonyms. We will use what we are learning to help us improve different genres of writing throughout the summer term.


This term we will be spending time learning about time: 12- and 24-hour clocks, and telling the time using analogue and digital clocks, too.  We will also be learning how about types of angles and how to calculate missing angles, and how to use negative numbers in everyday contexts.  We will be continuing to learn about area and will explore how we can calculate the cubic volume of some 3D shapes.  Mental maths and tables skills will continue to be developed, as we improve our mental strategies for working out mathematical problems.


We hope the weather will be good to us so we can get outside for PE and to practise for Sports' Day, enjoy some reading time, and maybe even some outdoor art too!


Class Photographs


Latest Photographs



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