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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

Fitness Frenzy!

21st Feb 2018

Keep your eyes on the ball
Keep your eyes on the ball
Non-bit team were the overall winners - well done!!
Non-bit team were the overall winners - well done!!
Non-bib team in action
Non-bib team in action
Go green team
Go green team
Will it be a fight for the ball?! (Of course not, we're all friends 👍🏼)
Will it be a fight for the ball?! (Of course not, we're all friends 👍🏼)
Ready steady go!!
Ready steady go!!
Try to catch the ball to put the opposite team out ready steady go!
Try to catch the ball to put the opposite team out ready steady go!
Quick moving
Quick moving
Cheer for your team!
Cheer for your team!
Watch you don't hit a team member!
Watch you don't hit a team member!
Keep moving
Keep moving
Back to the wall to start
Back to the wall to start
Race for the balls
Race for the balls
Work as a team
Work as a team
Warming up on the climbing frame
Warming up on the climbing frame
Aim for the legs!
Aim for the legs!
Red team v blue team
Red team v blue team
Today it's dodge ball!
Today it's dodge ball!
What a happy, healthy bunch 😊👍🏼
What a happy, healthy bunch 😊👍🏼
Come on girls, you can do it!
Come on girls, you can do it!
Run, hop and skip
Run, hop and skip
Go, go, go!!!
Go, go, go!!!
Obstacle race!
Obstacle race!
Pacing ourselves... 4 laps to go!
Pacing ourselves... 4 laps to go!
Going for a little jog
Going for a little jog
Having fun with friends at the same time
Having fun with friends at the same time
Finally some nice weather to get moving outside!
Finally some nice weather to get moving outside!