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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2016/2017 School Year

15th Jun 2017
P1KB    Maisy P1KM    Ellie P2JT   ...
13th Jun 2017
On Monday, both P2 classes went on a trip to Greenmount. We had a really super day...
13th Jun 2017
Primary 5 have been working hard to improve our letter sounds and recognition of...
7th Jun 2017
Last week P4's from Ballykeel and St Brigid's went on a trip to sunny Portrush....
6th Jun 2017
We will try to host Sports Day Tuesday 13th June weather permitting. If we are unable...
6th Jun 2017
P7SG are going to take part in the Young Teachers' Club.  They will be young...
2nd Jun 2017
Today we had lots of fun doing our different races. We did a running race, sack...
2nd Jun 2017
P3LK are in charge of looking after the 6 shrub beds outside the entrance of the...
2nd Jun 2017
Primary 3 are learning about travel and transport in our final theme By Land, By...