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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2017/2018 School Year

11th Sep 2017
Callum shared his fantastic drawings with class. I can't wait to see his artwork...
8th Sep 2017
We have started our theme 'Hey Look at Me'. As part of this we are creating a piece...
8th Sep 2017
Every Friday in P1 we have two children doing show and tell. Here are pictures of our...
7th Sep 2017
This is a very busy term for all pupils in Primary Four. We have new routines, more...
7th Sep 2017
As we are beginning to learn about Space, we have created some fantastic Astronauts...
5th Sep 2017
Everyone has settled well and is being kept very busy. p2s are enjoying playing...
4th Sep 2017
This year we have lovely new text books to work from. Each textbook has different...
1st Sep 2017
The children got together to discuss the characters and plot of their reading book...