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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2017/2018 School Year

23rd Mar 2018
Enjoying our last week of term two fitness frenzy on the apparatus 💪🏼
23rd Mar 2018
We've been busy learning in so many ways! Here are a few snaps of what's been going...
23rd Mar 2018
The children are really enjoying our 'PE and Movement' days in nursery. Our listening...
23rd Mar 2018
Mrs Ritchie ran an Easter colouring competition and here are our two worthy winners!...
23rd Mar 2018
We made cupcakes for Easter.Miss Parker demonstrated how to pipe the icing and we...
23rd Mar 2018
Hannah from Clarinet Club entered the Ballymena Festival this year playing this...
23rd Mar 2018
On Thursday 22nd March a P5 Girls' Football team competed in a tournament against...
23rd Mar 2018
Primary 6 have gathered lots of facts about Thomas Edison.  They are now in...
23rd Mar 2018
Primary 5 have been learning when to use an apostrophe.  So far they have learned...
22nd Mar 2018
For our last activity of the year with St.Brigid's, the local artist Paul Bell came...