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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2017/2018 School Year

7th Mar 2018
The School Choir went to the cinema today to see 'Monster Family'. This was a special...
7th Mar 2018
March and April English The children will be learning about the skills...
7th Mar 2018
Here are a few shadow puppet plays for you to enjoy!
7th Mar 2018
The children worked in pairs and used cubes, blocks or mobile to create characters...
7th Mar 2018
The children spent the morning have fun with the children from St Brigid's as part...
7th Mar 2018
The boys and girls have been enjoying more skills and games at hockey. We are continuing...
6th Mar 2018
Primary 3 have been learning about compound words.  They enjoyed playing a...
6th Mar 2018
P7s used a crime report 'WAGOLL' to help write their own reports. Perhaps some of...
6th Mar 2018
The girls in the hockey club are continuing to develop their hockey skills. Unfortunately...