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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2017/2018 School Year

24th Jan 2018
We had lots of fun at a recent Art Course for staff.  Vine Haugh led this training...
24th Jan 2018
Hannah from clarinet club did her grade 1 clarinet exam in November and passed...
24th Jan 2018
After a short break due to the snowy weather, we started our daily walk/run around...
24th Jan 2018
If you didn't get a chance to taste the soup, ask your child for the ingredients...
24th Jan 2018
On Tuesday the Cooking Crew peeled potatoes, chopped potatoes and added them to...
24th Jan 2018
This term Ballykeel Film Club are thinking about the impact that movies have on...
23rd Jan 2018
Yvonne has been coming to visit Primary 3 for a few weeks now to speak...
23rd Jan 2018
In 2-3 Club the children have time to revise the learning done in class in both...
23rd Jan 2018
The boys and girls in P6H have been learning about light.  Today we were finding...