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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2018/2019 School Year

6th Sep 2018
We have been doing lots of counting in P2. We learnt a song to help us count all...
6th Sep 2018
We are learning how to mix colours. 
6th Sep 2018
We are learning different nursery rhymes in P1. Here is the first one...
6th Sep 2018
Here are our star attenders from last year, all very healthy boys and girls! Well...
6th Sep 2018
Primary 3 revise counting down from 20.
5th Sep 2018
The P2s have been matching and writing initial letter sounds. 
5th Sep 2018
Reading Partners is a programme funded by extended schools. Each term three...
5th Sep 2018
In 2-3 club we have been thinking about our sound for the week which is the sh sound....
5th Sep 2018
We have had a great first week of P2 2-3 Club. We have been practising forming letters...
5th Sep 2018
we have been exploring our new classroom and our new toys.