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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2018/2019 School Year

21st Sep 2018
We had fun making play dough with Miss Cameron. We had to follow the recipe and count...
21st Sep 2018
Katie - Leigh has proved to be a fantastic help. Here she is helping David with...
21st Sep 2018
Caprice and Ellie Mae, are quick at finding words in the dictionary as they understand...
20th Sep 2018
We've been so busy exploring the resources and getting to know each other. We've...
20th Sep 2018
The children have now been in nursery for 4 weeks and are doing well with getting...
20th Sep 2018
Football Club has started back and we are very pleased to have Coaching 4 Christ...
20th Sep 2018
We made some Humpty Dumpty finger puppets and then said the rhyme together. 
20th Sep 2018
P2T were so glad to welcome Simon and Jess back to teach us some football skills...
19th Sep 2018
Primary 3 enjoy checking the score.
19th Sep 2018
Please note the school disco arranged for Wednesday 24th October has been moved to...