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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2018/2019 School Year

12th Jun 2019
This year many of the children in the class attended Code Club with Mrs Thompson....
12th Jun 2019
All P7 children will attend an induction day at their new schools on Friday 14 June. ...
12th Jun 2019
P4 were extremely excited to have an art lesson led by Mrs Gregg. They combined...
12th Jun 2019
All girls and female role models; mums, aunts, grandmothers, etc (anyone over 16)...
11th Jun 2019
We always like to take advantage of the sunshine and dry weather and this week we...
11th Jun 2019
A super afternoon was had by the participants of P7 sports day. See below for a...
11th Jun 2019
  Mon 10 th – P1-P3 SPORTS DAY. Mon 10 th – P6s...
11th Jun 2019
The children had great fun on Sports Day. We were delighted that the weather was...
11th Jun 2019
All girls are invited to join us for our special event Monday 17th June...
11th Jun 2019
We are learning how to add on one. We have been using different numeracy resources...