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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2020/2021 School Year

11th Dec 2020
Here is our Christmas show! We hope you enjoy watching the video.    ...
11th Dec 2020
The children in Primary 3 were excited to send a special Christmas message home...
11th Dec 2020
The children have been working hard this term and we wanted to do something fun...
11th Dec 2020
Dear Parents, we hope that you enjoy our little video. We had great fun making it....
11th Dec 2020
We hope you enjoy our special Christmas message!
10th Dec 2020
Thank you Mrs Bradley and all the dinner ladies for a delicious Christmas dinner....we...
10th Dec 2020
A great big thank you to Mrs Bradley and her team for a delicious Christmas dinner....
10th Dec 2020
The children enjoyed their Christmas dinner on Wednesday 9th December. The food...
10th Dec 2020
Congratulations to Ava from P5H who reached the final stages of the 66th Texaco...
10th Dec 2020
It looks like Elf had fun with masking tape in P5...Has this elf no respect for...