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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2020/2021 School Year

16th Oct 2020
A great group of children who have worked hard on their spellings and tables. Layla...
16th Oct 2020
Grace is our Role Model this week. Earlier in the week Grace gave an excellent book...
16th Oct 2020
It was so lovely looking out at the sea of yellow in the classroom today! It really...
16th Oct 2020
Katie - For always being such a pleasant and very helpful girl!
16th Oct 2020
What a lovely bright day we had today! Everybody had smiles on their faces as we...
16th Oct 2020
Annie - for her very kind, gentle nature and always completing her work so very...
16th Oct 2020
The children have been learning all about adjectives and how to use them to make...
16th Oct 2020
We all looked great in our yellow! We worked on “Take Notice” as part...
16th Oct 2020
Our class role model this week is Emelia. Emelia has been fantastic at...
16th Oct 2020
Andrew always listens very carefully in class, he starts his work quickly and has...