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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2020/2021 School Year

9th Oct 2020
Harry is Role Model of the Week for making a great improvement in the presentation...
9th Oct 2020
As you will be aware, it is World Mental Health Day and we in Ballykeel have been...
9th Oct 2020
Today we did lots of fun activities as part of World Mental Health Day. We did P.E....
9th Oct 2020
Elijah - for his kindness to everyone and working so hard on his reading at home. 
9th Oct 2020
Ella is our Role Model of the Week. Ella hurt her arm this week and had to go...
9th Oct 2020
The lovely Aime is the Role Model of the Week. She has been a fantastic example...
9th Oct 2020
In P6JF we have been carrying out a range of activities in relation to looking after...
9th Oct 2020
Adam has shown continued effort in his spellings and tables and is a very kind and...
9th Oct 2020
Zack, for always being so neat, tidy, well-organised and hard-working. 
9th Oct 2020
As today is World Mental Health Day our class have been focusing on lots of mindfulness...