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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2020/2021 School Year

9th Oct 2020
Sophia's behaviour has been so good. She works hard in class and learns spellings...
9th Oct 2020
Eva has been doing wonderful work in Numeracy both in class and in her homeworks...
9th Oct 2020
This week our Role Model of the week is Cooper. Cooper is a hardworking and kind...
9th Oct 2020
The children were using cubes and their whiteboards to make sums and practise writing...
9th Oct 2020
Watch this special message from Mrs Sheeran explaining how Ballykeel PS will be...
9th Oct 2020
As part of World Mental Health Day we have been taking part in a variety of activities...
8th Oct 2020
Exercise is good for our physical health and our mental health.  We enjoy football...
8th Oct 2020
We are learning about different ways we can help keep our minds feel good. We have...
7th Oct 2020
We have continued to notice the change in our outdoor environment this week, some...