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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2020/2021 School Year

2nd Oct 2020
Ellie-May is such a good role model through her behaviour, manners and work. She...
2nd Oct 2020
Jacob - for being much more brave this week - I know you can do it!
2nd Oct 2020
This week we voted for our class representative for the school council. The nominees...
2nd Oct 2020
Chris - for being a very pleasant and polite pupil. 
2nd Oct 2020
Jensen was our role model for making a great effort with his reading this week and...
2nd Oct 2020
In P3 we learn about lots of different types of writing.  Today we made jam...
2nd Oct 2020
This week our role model is Alexis.  Alexis always works so hard in her school...
2nd Oct 2020
This week we had our 3rd winner from the reward charts.  This week it was Emelia...
2nd Oct 2020
Eva is our class role model this week. She always produces beautifully neat work...