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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2020/2021 School Year

10th Jun 2021
The boys and girls had great fun taking part in our Sports Day today. They competed...
10th Jun 2021
Everyone enjoyed the challenge to walk a mile on Friday 28th May.
10th Jun 2021
The children enjoyed the sprint, the long run, egg and spoon race and throwing the...
10th Jun 2021
The children had a wonderful time on Sports Day. They each took part in 4 races;...
10th Jun 2021
It was our class sports day this week and we had great fun doing all the races....
10th Jun 2021
As we are learning about money we had a little shop in class. We were able to pick...
10th Jun 2021
Today we started off the day with some peaceful outdoor reading. When we returned...
10th Jun 2021
This week we really enjoyed taking part in our sports day! Everybody took part in...
9th Jun 2021
Today in our transition workshop we learned how to put a tie on.  This gave...
9th Jun 2021
We had so much fun today competing in a sprint, egg and spoon and an obstacle race.