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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2020/2021 School Year

25th May 2021
What better way to spend Power Hour than outside in the spring sunshine? This...
25th May 2021
Today, in the Power Hour club, we went out and started weeding Mark Lynn’s...
25th May 2021
Have a look at our straw blowing art we did today. 
25th May 2021
We made posters to remind us to wash our hands.  
24th May 2021
Congratulations to Natasha and Ethan on becoming ‘Independent Readers’...
24th May 2021
The children really enjoyed investigating the patterns made from matchsticks and...
24th May 2021
We have been learning about time in P1. We made our very own clocks this week. Then...
24th May 2021
We have started to use Beebots in class. We talked about what each button did and...
21st May 2021
Ahoy! Our P4 pirates have been busy looking for treasure. They had to read and follow...