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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2020/2021 School Year

21st May 2021
This week the chosen pupil is Miya. She is such a fanatic worker in class and I...
21st May 2021
The nursery boys and girls have been really busy in nursery, playing with the new...
21st May 2021
Lewis is our role model this week for his improvement in all areas of his work....
21st May 2021
Today we watched 2 short videos about rock pools and we looked at the different...
21st May 2021
Well done to Lily-Brooke and Darcey who have both reached 4 in a row for their Friday...
21st May 2021
Our role model this week is Thomas. Thomas has been working really hard in class...
21st May 2021
This week our Role Model is Ellie-Grace. She has put a lot of time and effort into...
21st May 2021
The prize for effort in spellings and tables this week goes to Harry as he has worked...
21st May 2021
Our role model is Sufyan as he has worked super hard this week in maths learning...
21st May 2021
Jorjie is our Role Model of the Week for trying extremely hard in Numeracy and for...