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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2020/2021 School Year

7th May 2021
Today we read a poem by Robert Fisher called ‘I’d rather be’. ...
7th May 2021
Our P4 class had lots of fun during activity based learning this afternoon. They...
7th May 2021
This week we started our new topic ‘Growing is great.’ We have been...
7th May 2021
Johnny is our Role Model of Week.   Johnny has been working extremely hard...
7th May 2021
CJ is a great role model of the week because he is always kind and pleasant . He...
7th May 2021
Our star of the week is Troy for his excellent effort with his tens and units work...
7th May 2021
The children all had fun playing reading and maths games. There was great competition...
7th May 2021
Jayden is our role model of the week for the fantastic effort he has been putting...
7th May 2021
Our Role Model of the week is Phoebe. She has been trying very hard during handwriting...