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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2020/2021 School Year

23rd Apr 2021
We all love a bargain, and this week the boys and girls in P7H put their bargain...
22nd Apr 2021
P4 girls have been having lots of fun learning how to be Superheroes with Incredibles...
22nd Apr 2021
This week we have been learning all about the life cycle of the frog. We have read...
22nd Apr 2021
This week we have been learning all about the life cycle of frogs. We have loved...
22nd Apr 2021
In our class boys and girls all have reward charts. Stickers are added every time...
22nd Apr 2021
Today the children went to visit the school pond. They saw frog spawn and little...
21st Apr 2021
Today the children were put into groups to take part in some races outdoors as part...
21st Apr 2021
The children enjoyed doing some fun art this week on the theme of 'Bubbles'. We...
20th Apr 2021
Today for our first session of the Power Hour Club, we tried flower arranging. First,...