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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2020/2021 School Year

6th Nov 2020
Jacob is our role model this week and he deserves it in every way. He is such a...
6th Nov 2020
We have been learning about houses and homes in WAU. This week we have been learning...
6th Nov 2020
Jordan is our role model of the week for his very settled and mature attitude to...
6th Nov 2020
Carter is our star pupil this week as he is a great role model, a hard working boy...
6th Nov 2020
Sophie is our Pupil of the Month for October as she is a kind and hardworking girl...
6th Nov 2020
George is our Role Model of the week.  George has made excellent progress...
6th Nov 2020
Isla has fantastic understanding of mental maths games, is quick thinking and has...
6th Nov 2020
Aaron Steawart - For settling in well in P4 and trying hard with his work.
5th Nov 2020
This week we had our first session of Power hour in which we had great...