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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2021/2022 School Year

11th Mar 2022
Our role model is Aime for her great work in Algebra this week. Aime always works...
11th Mar 2022
Preston is our role model of the week in P6JF for his great listening skills this...
11th Mar 2022
Our Role Model this week is Natasha. Natasha has shown a very helpful attitude -...
11th Mar 2022
Freyah is our role model of the week. Freyah is a wonderful girl who is always willing...
11th Mar 2022
Emily is our role model because she always listens so well in class, does her homework...
11th Mar 2022
Jake is our Role Model of the Week for being so kind and caring to others. He is...
11th Mar 2022
George is our role model this week for doing over and above in his written work....
11th Mar 2022
Jace is an excellent role model. He listens well and is always keen to answer questions...
8th Mar 2022
Last week was Pancake Tuesday so in Power Hour we made pancakes and ate them! ...