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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Literacy Support (Miss Hill)

2017/2018 School Year

23rd Apr 2018
Today Primary 6 were expanding contracted words to discover the 2 words making up...
18th Apr 2018
Primary 6 have been learning about contractions during grammar lessons.  They...
17th Apr 2018
Primary 3 have been learning about plurals.  They spotted words in their reading...
16th Apr 2018
Primary 3 completed their weekly phonics lesson today.  They were learning...
16th Apr 2018
Primary 5 were learning about similes today during a grammar lesson.  They...
13th Apr 2018
Primary 6 are learning about homophones during grammar lessons.  They started...
12th Apr 2018
Primary 3 have made an excellent start to term 3 after the Easter break.  During...
23rd Mar 2018
Primary 6 have gathered lots of facts about Thomas Edison.  They are now in...
23rd Mar 2018
Primary 5 have been learning when to use an apostrophe.  So far they have learned...
15th Mar 2018
Primary 5 have been continuing to work on contractions.  They have been discovering...