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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 4

2020/2021 School Year

19th May 2021
Well done to Kai and Ruben for their outstanding achievement in becoming Ready Readers. 
14th May 2021
A big thank you to Miss Nicholl today who helped us to make pirate flags and gave...
14th May 2021
Poppy is our role model this week for her super description of a pirate in creative...
14th May 2021
Calum has a great attitude to his work and always tries his best.
12th May 2021
Yesterday in Power Hour we made catapults with Miss McCloy using lollipop sticks,...
11th May 2021
This week our P4 class are learning about weight. We started this topic with a weights...
11th May 2021
Well done to Jacob for his outstanding achievement in becoming a Ready Reader. 
7th May 2021
Today we read a poem by Robert Fisher called ‘I’d rather be’. ...
7th May 2021
Our P4 class had lots of fun during activity based learning this afternoon. They...