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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 7

2020/2021 School Year

23rd Apr 2021
We all love a bargain, and this week the boys and girls in P7H put their bargain...
20th Apr 2021
This afternoon we took the opportunity to get outside and explore the vast array...
20th Apr 2021
We had a great day yesterday at Power Hour completing some nature weaving. ...
20th Apr 2021
Well Done to the following: 1 Year Full Attendance - Samara & Lily-Rose 2 Years...
20th Apr 2021
A number of pupils in P7H were presented with full attendance awards this morning,...
19th Apr 2021
CJ, who is in P7JH, is raising money for MacMillan Cancer Care in memory of his Aunt...
16th Apr 2021
We have had a lot of fun reading poems about superheroes - but not superheroes as...
16th Apr 2021
Our Role Model this week is Nina. She is an enthusiastic pupil who always gives her...
16th Apr 2021
Alex is our role model of the week for her super work on averages all week.  She...
16th Apr 2021
This week we’ve been learning about averages and range.  Looking at the...