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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Pupil of the Month

2020/2021 School Year

6th Nov 2020
Mia is a fantastic girl who always tried her best. She is such a great pupil to have...
6th Nov 2020
Jonas McPeake is our POM for October. He has worked so hard since we started in September...
6th Nov 2020
Sophie is our Pupil of the Month for October as she is a kind and hardworking girl...
6th Nov 2020
Aaron Steawart - For settling in well in P4 and trying hard with his work.
4th Nov 2020
Joel is our Pupil of the month as he has contributed extremely well to our class...
4th Nov 2020
Rosie is our pupil of the month for being a good friend to others and for always...
3rd Nov 2020
Logan is our Pupil of the Month as he has settled really well into P5 and works very...
3rd Nov 2020
Romman is our Pupil of the month. He always has a smile on his face and helps everyone...