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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 5

2020/2021 School Year

2nd Dec 2020
We were learning about Venn Diagrams today. We used a Venn diagram to see how many...
2nd Dec 2020
Katie is our pupil of the Month for November. Katie takes great pride in her work...
1st Dec 2020
This week, we had lots of fun making snowmen out of marshmallows, chocolate, smarties...
30th Nov 2020
We made Christmas cards and wrote messages for the nursing home residents.  Merry...
30th Nov 2020
Maisy is our pupil of the month as she has a great attitude to her work.  She...
27th Nov 2020
Our Role model of the week is Caoimhe, for being very helpful and welcoming towards...
27th Nov 2020
Skylar is our role model of the week as she is a hardworking girl and is making excellent...
26th Nov 2020
Archaeologists have discovered important cave drawings of Stoneage Man in Ballykeel...
25th Nov 2020
We enjoy our AR time each day and our quiz scores have been fantastic! 
25th Nov 2020
This was challenge week for the children! Firstly we had our ‘5 second rule’...