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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 5

2020/2021 School Year

20th Nov 2020
Our role model of the week is Lexi as she always tries her best and answers lots...
20th Nov 2020
Ava is a great role model. She is a hardworking and helpful girl and her behaviour...
20th Nov 2020
Eva and Skylar have passed more than 10 AR quizzes - Well Done Girls! 
20th Nov 2020
Some photographs of “odd socks” for Anti-bullying week. 
19th Nov 2020
We have been doing lots of measurement this week. Today we used string to measure...
18th Nov 2020
This week is anti bullying week and we have been learning about bullying, what to...
17th Nov 2020
Over the last three weeks we have been doing art and craft, playing board games,...
13th Nov 2020
This week AR reading resumed.   Primary 5 have enjoyed reading and taking...
13th Nov 2020
Katie, is a great role model because she is very kind, she tries her best and she...