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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 7

2020/2021 School Year

6th Nov 2020
Oliver has shown a real determination to make progress in his own learning, and he...
16th Oct 2020
Miley is our Role Model of the Week for being extremely kind and considerate to another...
16th Oct 2020
Lacey has been working hard and wrote a super autumn shape poem!
14th Oct 2020
We really worked hard writing our Autumns Poems, so we held a Poetry Recital. ...
9th Oct 2020
We have been busy in P7H.  Earlier in the week we wrote Autumn poems, drawing...
9th Oct 2020
Today we spent some time thinking about how we could use 'super power' feelings to...
9th Oct 2020
Alfie is our Role Model of the Week this week.  He is always super helpful,...
9th Oct 2020
Faith has been writing and sharing her amazing poems- even published poets praised...
2nd Oct 2020
Maggie is our Role Model of the Week as she has a great attitude to learning. ...
2nd Oct 2020
We has some much fun creating our continuous line self portraits.  We had to...