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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2019/2020 School Year

25th Oct 2019
Pupils were given 27 cubes of different colours. They made a set of soma pieces out...
25th Oct 2019
Friday 25th October will be a non uniform day.  We would like the children to...
24th Oct 2019
On Wednesday the children from Primary Five took our special Harvest Assembly. They...
24th Oct 2019
This week we got to try out a mini archeological dig. We excavated the trays of sand...
24th Oct 2019
The boys and girls have been extremely busy in Nursery this week. We have been making...
24th Oct 2019
This week we have been looking at measuring different objects using non-standard...
24th Oct 2019
P4s had fun estimating and measuring objects in the classroom. There was some good...
23rd Oct 2019
The Primay fours had lots of fun tonight at our party. Everyone looked fantastic...
23rd Oct 2019
Over the last number of days the children have been taking part in Halloween craft,...
23rd Oct 2019
The children were learning about odd and even numbers today. We used cubes, numicon...