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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - After School Activities

2018/2019 School Year

8th Oct 2018
Clarinet Club meets every Wednesday from 3.00-3.30pm. We have some new members joining...
8th Oct 2018
We have been learning about how to look after the earth. This week we learnt about...
8th Oct 2018
Football Club for P4 and P5 boys and girls is held each Thursday afternoon from 3-4pm....
27th Sep 2018
Netball training was outside today but the girls enjoyed playing in the fresh air....
26th Sep 2018
Most of the girls have been to hockey club for the last two years so we started by...
25th Sep 2018
Today the Code Club took their skills to another level by programming their 'Sprite'...
25th Sep 2018
Superhero clubs stands for: Start Understanding People Everywhere, Recognising How...
24th Sep 2018
This year our P6 pupils have a new after-school club called 'Code Club'. They will...
24th Sep 2018
Primary 4 and 5 had a great start to the new term in hockey club. We all learned...
24th Sep 2018
Our budding builders had fun exploring what they could do with the construction toys!