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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2019/2020 School Year

22nd Oct 2019
We had so much fun today making estimations of the size of our feet. We estimated...
22nd Oct 2019
Primary 5, enjoy playing the Times 7 Challenge on Education City.
22nd Oct 2019
We read the story “The Pumpkin Patch Parable” and then carved our very...
22nd Oct 2019
Well done to Petula Picken, as she has passed an amazing 20 AR quizzes.
21st Oct 2019
On Friday we came to school dressed in colourful clothes and ready for our Smarties...
21st Oct 2019
In September, Cody and Holly completed the highest number of extension worksheets....
21st Oct 2019
On Friday we had fun in class during ‘Smartie Party Day’. We watched...
21st Oct 2019
Come along on Monday 21st October 9am - 10.15am in the Staff Room.  Parents...
18th Oct 2019
We live in a hi-tech world, but this morning the boys and girls in P7H were given...
18th Oct 2019
We had so much fun at our smartie day, we were thinking about the colours of smarties...