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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Literacy Support (Miss Hill)

2019/2020 School Year

22nd Oct 2019
Well done to Petula Picken, as she has passed an amazing 20 AR quizzes.
16th Oct 2019
Primary 3, enjoyed writing spooky poems.  We used Halloween adjectives.
11th Oct 2019
P2, enjoy making patterns (1:1, 1:2 and2:2).
3rd Oct 2019
Listen to our lovely messages from abroad.
3rd Oct 2019
Katelyn, has passed 7 AR quizzes - Well done!
26th Sep 2019
We enjoy writing numbers to 10.
25th Sep 2019
The P2s have been busy in 2-3 club so far. They have been working on the sounds...
25th Sep 2019
P5, enjoy learning to play tennis.
25th Sep 2019
Caleb, has passed 4 AR quizzes - Well done!
18th Sep 2019
We enjoyed using Cuisenaire to investigate different ways to make 10 and then 20.