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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 5

2019/2020 School Year

8th Nov 2019
P5BE have been enjoying a mini-topic recently - the Rugby World Cup. This was held...
8th Nov 2019
P5 are enjoying practising their new skills on Education City. They are revising...
8th Nov 2019
Today in art club we took a walk to observe and appreciate the season of Autumn and...
7th Nov 2019
The school councillors have been working hard each Monday afternoon in partnership...
5th Nov 2019
On Monday we started a new method of teaching and learning spelling. First, using...
5th Nov 2019
  BBC Northern Ireland's Two Minute Tales is a short story writing competition...
25th Oct 2019
We had a super turn out this morning to our Breakfast Club. A total of 85 parents...
25th Oct 2019
Friday 25th October will be a non uniform day.  We would like the children to...
24th Oct 2019
On Wednesday the children from Primary Five took our special Harvest Assembly. They...
24th Oct 2019
This week we got to try out a mini archeological dig. We excavated the trays of sand...