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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2019/2020 School Year

12th Sep 2019
We have been learning the words of measurement -bigger/smaller, taller/shorter.We...
12th Sep 2019
We have had fun this week doing some work on our phonics.We made a chain with ch...
12th Sep 2019
We made a beautiful wall display of our handprints and pictures of the things we...
11th Sep 2019
Today we let our creative side run wild!  First, we explored using different...
11th Sep 2019
This week both groups of children joined together.  It has been a busy week...
11th Sep 2019
After 2 weeks spent working on alphabetical order to the first and second letter,...
11th Sep 2019
This week, the two groups joined to become one big class. The boys and girls...
11th Sep 2019
The children enjoyed an Activity Based Learning session this morning. The Literacy...
11th Sep 2019
P2s have been revising their phonics and practising their handwriting. They are always...
11th Sep 2019
The children in P3K were busy bees yesterday in Numeracy. We were learning how to...