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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Star Pupils

2021/2022 School Year

19th Nov 2021
Ryan always shows kindness to others through his words and actions. He is a very...
19th Nov 2021
Aimee-Rose is our role model of the week for making a massive effort to complete...
12th Nov 2021
Jaydn is my Role Model of the Week. He has been super helpful around the classroom...
12th Nov 2021
Layla is our role model of the week. Layla always follows our school rules, is kind...
12th Nov 2021
Sophia is our role model this week for showing a good understanding of addition with...
12th Nov 2021
Zach has been working hard at his reading and taking more AR tests. Well done!
12th Nov 2021
Jake is our role model for the super attitude he has had to his work this week and...
12th Nov 2021
Noah is our role model of the week because of his great improvement in work, attitude...
12th Nov 2021
Our role model this week is Jordan for being really helpful in the playground, supporting...
12th Nov 2021
Taylor has demonstrated an excellent attitude towards not only her own school work,...