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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2018/2019 School Year

8th May 2019
It's not often a world champion takes the time to personally send a message to a...
7th May 2019
Jane, made a cuboid and calculated the number of cubes used.
7th May 2019
We were very excited to test the boats we made with St Brigid's to see if they would...
7th May 2019
As part of our Let's Set Sail theme we had a visit from Translink today. We learned...
7th May 2019
We have been learning about 3D shapes and 2D shapes. Miss McGlaughlin decided we...
3rd May 2019
This week we have been making lovely Spring pictures. We had a great time making...
3rd May 2019
We were delighted to be able to take a group of P6 & P7 children to visit the...
3rd May 2019
Today we enjoyed a picnic in our classroom, it was a special shape picnic. We made...
3rd May 2019
 Friday fun playing 'bingo' and reading the latest news on 'News Desk'.
3rd May 2019
Mrs Cross took our class this morning while Mrs McWhirter was away. We did reading,...