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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 7

2018/2019 School Year

13th Jun 2019
We had a great day at the P4-P7 sports day and thankfully the rain stayed away from...
12th Jun 2019
All P7 children will attend an induction day at their new schools on Friday 14 June. ...
12th Jun 2019
All girls and female role models; mums, aunts, grandmothers, etc (anyone over 16)...
11th Jun 2019
A super afternoon was had by the participants of P7 sports day. See below for a few...
7th Jun 2019
P7 have enjoyed being 'Young Teachers' to the P3 classes. The purpose of 'Young Teachers'...
6th Jun 2019
We are working on creating a digital advertisement aimed at raising awareness...
6th Jun 2019
The P3 boys and girls had great fun playing Numeracy games with the P7 children....
4th Jun 2019
Having gone through post-production, the P7H edition of News Desk is LIVE on...
3rd Jun 2019
We had a really great time today at the Bible Exhibition in Ahoghill Gospel Hall.   Our...
31st May 2019
We've been looking at artwork created by London artist, Este Macleod.  She has...