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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Star Pupils

2021/2022 School Year

1st Oct 2021
Noah is our role model this week for his fantastic addition work in maths. Well done...
1st Oct 2021
Jacob is our pupil of the month for September. Jacob has an excellent attitude towards...
1st Oct 2021
Scarlett is our Role Model this week for making such a great effort with her handwriting....
1st Oct 2021
Callum is our role model of the week. His behaviour is always excellent and he is...
1st Oct 2021
Yasmin is our Pupil of the Month because she always works so hard, especially in...
1st Oct 2021
Perri is our role model of the week for making fantastic progress in handwriting...
1st Oct 2021
Layla gives her best to everything that she does and has produced an excellent standard...
1st Oct 2021
Our role model of the Week is Lucas for his excellent behaviour and attitude to work...
1st Oct 2021
Benjamin is our Role Model of the Week as he has a first class attitude to his learning,...
1st Oct 2021
Jack is our Pupil of the month for excellent work in literacy and numeracy, showing...