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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 6

2021/2022 School Year

25th Mar 2022
Daniel is our role model of the week in P6JF as has been making a great effort with...
25th Mar 2022
Maisie is our role model of the week as she has settled so well into P6 and is so...
18th Mar 2022
Carter is our role model of the week in P6JF for his super behaviour and great effort...
18th Mar 2022
Caoimhe is our role model of the week for making a huge effort to improve her work...
11th Mar 2022
Joel is our role model as he has made a wonderful effort in comprehension and grammar....
11th Mar 2022
Keiva is Miss Milligan’s pupil of the week for working really hard in her literacy...
11th Mar 2022
Preston is our role model of the week in P6JF for his great listening skills this...
4th Mar 2022
Lucy is our pupil of the month as she is an excellent pupil who works hard and is...
4th Mar 2022
Sufyan has had a more mature, focused attitude to his work this week.  His handwriting...
4th Mar 2022
Sophia is our role model of week in P6JF for great behaviour and effort - especially...