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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Star Pupils

2021/2022 School Year

10th Sep 2021
Sam is a wonderful role model. He is a very kind, friendly boy and comes into school...
10th Sep 2021
Christopher is persevering with his times tables and addition and producing WOW numeracy...
10th Sep 2021
Kiara is our role model of the week for settling well into Primary 1 and for always...
10th Sep 2021
Kiara is our role model of the week for settling well into Primary 1 and for always...
10th Sep 2021
Logan is our role model this week. He has worked so hard in maths and has learned...
10th Sep 2021
Jasmine is our role model of the week for being well behaved and always following...
10th Sep 2021
Our role model of the week in P6JF is Mason. Mason is a great role model - he is...
3rd Sep 2021
Our Role Model this week is Toni. She has been a super helpful girl to everyone around...
3rd Sep 2021
Alice has shown a great attitude to her work this week and she even helped her classmates...
3rd Sep 2021
Evie is our role model of the week for her sensible, mature attitude and she’s...