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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Star Pupils

2020/2021 School Year

28th May 2021
Well done to David who is our Pupil of the Month for May.  David has a great...
28th May 2021
This week Alexandra has shown such a kind and caring attitude to others. She always...
28th May 2021
This month the lovely Toni. She is such a kind and caring pupil. Toni is always willing...
28th May 2021
Jesse is our Role Model this week because he has shown huge determination in AR....
28th May 2021
Our Pupil of the Month is Charley because of her excellent behaviour in class and...
28th May 2021
Our role model this week is Blake. He has displayed excellent behaviour this week....
28th May 2021
Alexa is our Role Model of the Week because she is always kind and caring towards...
28th May 2021
Brodie is our Pupil of the Month in May because he has settled so well into Ballykeel....
28th May 2021
Bobby is POM because of his great improvement in attitude and enthusiasm during P2....
28th May 2021
Amelia is our role model this week because of her determination to know all of her...