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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 7

2018/2019 School Year

25th Sep 2018
Superhero clubs stands for: Start Understanding People Everywhere, Recognising How...
25th Sep 2018
As part of our 'Taking Off!' topic, we have been learning about abstract art and...
24th Sep 2018
Primary 7, enjoyed creating a collective noun poem. Listen and enjoy!
21st Sep 2018
The art club had a very busy first week. We looked at paintings of sunflowers and...
20th Sep 2018
Football Club has started back and we are very pleased to have Coaching 4 Christ...
18th Sep 2018
We're so excited to spend time relaxing in weaving club.  We are hoping to make...
17th Sep 2018
We are beginning to look at the seven Elements of Art during our art lessons. ...
17th Sep 2018
We've been making sure that we understand the difference between parallel and perpendicular...
11th Sep 2018
PGCE student Mr Simpson has been spending a couple of weeks in P7H.  This afternoon...
6th Sep 2018
Here are our star attenders from last year, all very healthy boys and girls! Well...