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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2021/2022 School Year

4th Feb 2022
Alexis is our Role Model this week. Alexis has worked extra hard this week and has...
4th Feb 2022
Keegan is our Role Model of the Week. He is trying hard to complete his work on time...
4th Feb 2022
We are really enjoying Power Hour this term. We have been taking part in lots of...
4th Feb 2022
Sophia is our role model of the week. She is an extremely well-mannered girl and...
4th Feb 2022
Our role model this week is Ollie has he had a fantastic piece of creative writing...
4th Feb 2022
Miss Hill chose Cohen as our role model because he worked so hard and did everything...
4th Feb 2022
Troy is my role model this week for his lovely manners and excellent work in Numeracy...
4th Feb 2022
Isaac is role model for his great work on division and times tables. Well done ⭐️
4th Feb 2022
Daniel is our role model this week for the great work he does at home on his reading,...