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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 6

2021/2022 School Year

17th Dec 2021
Alex is our role model for making a huge effort to improve his number work and for...
17th Dec 2021
Our seedlings are doing really well and should be ready to plant out after Easter.
17th Dec 2021
Caoimhe is Pupil of the Month for being kind and caring.  Her behaviour is excellent...
17th Dec 2021
Lucy, is our Pupil of the Month, she is very kind and helpful. She always presents...
10th Dec 2021
Riley is our role model for his terrific work in fractions and prime numbers. ...
6th Dec 2021
Hannah is our role model as she has a fantastic attitude to her work.  She is...
3rd Dec 2021
William is our pupil of the month for November. William has a good general knowledge...
3rd Dec 2021
Michael is our role model of the week in P6JF as he is an all round great pupil....
1st Dec 2021
Robin is our pupil of the month as he is well-behaved and works hard in class.  His...
26th Nov 2021
Tate is our role model of the week for his great work on fractions. Tate is also...