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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Nursery

2019/2020 School Year

8th Nov 2019
In nursery we like to paint with different materials. Today we used cotton balls...
6th Nov 2019
Our children absolutely love to take part in all arts and crafts.  This week...
25th Oct 2019
We had a super morning carving our class pumpkin. We enjoyed touching, smelling...
25th Oct 2019
We had a super turn out this morning to our Breakfast Club. A total of 85 parents...
25th Oct 2019
Friday 25th October will be a non uniform day.  We would like the children...
21st Oct 2019
Come along on Monday 21st October 9am - 10.15am in the Staff Room.  Parents...
14th Oct 2019
What a busy and fun day we had today.  We started off by going outside to collect...
11th Oct 2019
We have been reading the story of The Gingerbread Man and really enjoying it. Today...
9th Oct 2019
The children continue to enjoy looking at the change in their outdoor environment....